ADWhatsApp APK Download V10.85  Anti Ban – Official Updated

In today’s fast-paced environment, where every facet of life feels like a competition, efficiency and promptness are essential. Whether it’s navigating social circles or embracing technological advancements, everyone is striving to keep up. ADWhatsApp addresses this need by providing a platform that not only enhances user experience but also evolves to meet the changing demands of modern communication

AD WhatsApp

ADWhatsApp APK MOD Specifications

App Name


Android Version

4.0 & Above

Current Version


App Size

49.529 MB



Total Downloads

10 Million +

Last Updated

1 day ago




What is ADwhatsapp APK?

ADWhatsApp is a standout modified version of the original app which offers a wide range of user-friendly features designed specifically for Android users. Its flexible nature and distinct functionalities have attracted a massive user base, with millions opting for this modified application.

WhatsApp APK stands out as one of the best modified versions of WhatsApp which is offering a host of new features not found in the official app. With this version, you can gain additional functionality and privacy options. An exciting feature that users love is the voice-changing option, adding a fun element to conversations. Notably, the app offers extensive customization options such as changing icons, chat backgrounds, emojis, and more.

Comparison Between ADWhatsApp Apk and Simple WhatsApp

FeaturesADWhatsAppOfficial WhatsApp
Home screen statusYesNo
Home screen NameYesNo
Home Screen Story StyleYesNo
Viewed story toastYesNo
Hidden Chats under the nameYesNo
DND Mode (Do Not Disturb)YesNo
Disable CallsYesNo
Auto MessagesYesNo
Bulk MessagesYesNo
File Sending Limits1000 MB100 MB
Forwarding LimitUnlimited Chats5 Chats
Status Length255139
Online StatusYesNo
Custom FontsYesNo
Security LockYesNo
Icon ChangeYesNo

AD WhatsApp Installation guide

Installing ADWhatsApp or JTWhatsApp is a straightforward process that doesn’t require any advanced technical skills. First, you’ll need to download the latest version of the ADWhatsApp APK file. Once the download is complete, save the setup file in your device’s file manager. Next, you’ll need to enable the installation of apps from unknown sources in your device settings. 

After enabling this setting, locate the ADWhatsApp APK file in your file manager and click on it to start the installation process. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation. Once ADWhatsApp is installed, open the app. You’ll be prompted to select your country code and enter your mobile number. If the verification code is not fetched automatically, enter the code received on your mobile number to verify your account.

If you have previously backed up your data either in the cloud or locally, you can restore this data during the setup process. This ensures that you don’t lose any important chats or media files. Once the setup is complete, you can start using ADWhatsApp and enjoy its features.

Installation guide

AD WhatsApp Installation guide

The installation process for ADWhatsApp is user-friendly and doesn’t require any complicated steps. Just follow these simple instructions, and you’ll be ready to use ADWhatsApp on your PC.

  • First of all, you need to download an Android emulator like Bluestacks or NoxPlayer on your computer. These emulators let you run Android apps on your PC.
  • Once the emulator is installed, open it on your computer.
  • Next, download the ADWhatsApp APK file from a trusted source on your PC. This file contains the ADWhatsApp app.
  • In the emulator, you’ll see an option to “Install APK” or you can simply drag and drop the AdWhatsApp APK file into the emulator window.
  • Wait for the installation process to finish. It may take a few minutes.
  • After installation, open the AdWhatsApp app in the emulator.
  • When you open the app, it will ask for your phone number. Enter your phone number just like you would on your phone.
  • You’ll receive an OTP (one-time password) on your phone. Enter this OTP in the emulator to verify your phone number.
  • Once verified, you can start using AdWhatsApp on your computer through the emulator. You’ll have access to all the features of ADWhatsApp right on your PC.

ADWhatsApp updates and the latest version

Keeping your app up-to-date is crucial to prevent problems while using it. Normally, Android will notify you when the developer releases an update. Simply click on the notification to update the app. If you don’t receive a notification and encounter any issues, you can visit the app’s official website to download and install the latest version, which should resolve the problems.

ADWhatsApp Advance Features 2024

ADWA Credits 

Credits in ADWhatsApp mean acknowledging where you got a message or media file from. It’s like saying “thank you” to the person who made it. This feature helps avoid any confusion about who created the content. To give credit, you add a caption or note when you share the message or file.

 You can do this by typing the name of the person who made it or a link to where you found it before sending the message. It’s important because it makes things clear and fair. By giving credit to the original creator, you show respect for their work and make sure everyone knows where the content came from.

ADWA Credits

Security and privacy

Privacy & Security

By enabling security and privacy features, you have more control over how and when your activity is visible to others. This is especially useful when you want to communicate discreetly or avoid immediate responses without appearing rude. You can hide indicators like blue ticks, second ticks, microphone recording, and typing status. This means you can communicate without others knowing when you’ve read their messages, listened to audio, or are typing a reply.

 That’s how keeping these indicators hidden adds a layer of privacy to your conversations. It prevents others from tracking your activity or knowing when you’re online, which can be important for maintaining confidentiality.

These privacy features help you maintain a sense of invisibility and control over your communication. Moreover, The option to use a password or fingerprint to unlock the app adds an extra level of security. This ensures that only authorized users can access your messages and data, protecting your privacy from unauthorized access.


This feature allows you to utilize Different emoji styles and font customizations allow you to express yourself better, adding personality and creativity to your messages. Emoji variants and customizing font styles, sizes, colors, and app icons can enhance the visual appeal of the app, making it more aesthetically pleasing and engaging. So, these customization features in ADWhatsApp enhance personalization, visual appeal, ease of use, and expression in your messaging experience.


Chat Contact Pics

Chat Contact Pics

Contact pics help you quickly identify your contacts in chats which makes it easier to distinguish between conversations and enhances the overall organization of your messages. Setting contact pics allows you to personalize your messaging experience by associating a visual representation with each contact. This adds a personal touch and makes conversations more engaging.

Contact pics create a more visually appealing interface, which can contribute to a more enjoyable and efficient communication experience. contact pics in ADWhatsApp helps in visual identification, personalization, ease of use, and enhances communication within the app.

Conversation Entry Style

Having multiple conversation entry styles allows you to choose the method that suits your communication needs best. Whether you prefer typing messages, sending voice messages, or using swipe-to-reply, you have options for efficient communication. 

voice messages can be particularly useful for quick communication or when you’re unable to type, such as while driving or multitasking. This enhances accessibility and convenience.

Voice messages can convey tone, emotion, and nuances that text messages sometimes cannot. Swipe-to-reply makes it easier to respond to specific messages quickly, streamlining communication and making conversations more organized.

Conversation Entry Style

ADWhatsApp Colors

ADWhatsApp Colors

Colors  and themes in ADWhatsApp enhances personalization, visual appeal, and aesthetic choices, and allow for creativity in designing your messaging experience.Customizing color schemes and themes allows you to personalize the app according to your preferences, making it feel more like your own and enhancing your overall user experience.

Different color schemes and themes can enhance the visual appeal of the app, making it more engaging and enjoyable to use. For example, dark mode can reduce eye strain in low-light environments. The ability to create custom themes using the built-in theme editor allows for creativity and customization which gives you full control over the look and feel of the app.

Bubbles and Ticks

Bubbles and ticks provide visual cues about the status of your messages, such as whether they have been sent, delivered, or read. This helps you track the progress of your messages and know when they have been received and viewed by the recipient

Bubbles and ticks enhance the overall user experience by providing clear and intuitive indicators of message status. They make it easy to understand the current state of your conversations without having to rely solely on text. By using bubbles and ticks, you can quickly assess the status of multiple messages at a glance.

Bubbles and Ticks

Action Bar

Action Bar

The action bar provides easy access to important app functions and settings, allowing you to navigate the app quickly and efficiently. The action bar in ADWhatsApp makes it easier for users who send lots of messages or use the app often. It puts important functions right at your fingertips which makes the app more user-friendly and convenient.

The action bar streamlines navigation and reduces the time it takes to perform common tasks like creating a new message, searching for contacts, or accessing settings. This increases overall app efficiency. The ability to customize the action bar with different themes and styles adds a personal touch to the user experience. It allows users to tailor the app’s appearance to their preferences.

Unlimited themes

Using themes in ADWhatsApp allows you to personalize your app’s appearance according to your mood and style. It adds a touch of creativity and uniqueness to your messaging experience.

Using themes in ADWhatsApp allows you to create a visually appealing screen layout that reflects your mood and personality. Customizing your WhatsApp with themes from the theme store or creating your own using the theme editor adds a personal touch to your messaging experience.

Unlimited themes

Voice Changing Effect

If you want to keep your real voice private, this wonderful feature allows you to change it. You can use this to maintain your privacy when talking to people you don’t know well. This creative tool grant you express yourself in a new way. 

Your contacts might be pleasantly surprised or amused when they hear your voice transformed, making interactions more memorable.This surprise factor can lead to laughter, excitement, and a more engaging conversation. It’s a unique way to stand out and create memorable moments with your friends during calls or messages.

Data Backup

When it comes to saving your data, AdWhatsApp works differently from regular WhatsApp. In regular WhatsApp, your data is usually saved in a Google account. But with AdWhatsApp, you have to save it in a place called “local storage” When you first install AdWhatsApp, you can easily get back all your saved data from this local storage.

ADWhatsApp gives you a few choices for saving your data, and one of these choices is called “local backups.” These backups are just copies of your data that are kept safe on your phone or memory card. If you ever need to bring back this saved data, you can do it straight from your device without needing to go online or use any special services.

Pin Live Location

It’s a great way to give clear directions to someone who might be unfamiliar with the area. This feature makes it easier for them to reach you. Similarly, You can keep track of your loved ones while they’re traveling, which helps you feel connected and less worried about them. 

You can see where someone is on a map in real time. Moreover, When friends or family members are coming to meet you, sharing your location helps them find you easily without getting lost. It ensures that you or your children never feel alone in unfamiliar places because you can share your location with trusted friends or family members.

Pop Up Notification

If you want to respond faster without opening your whatsapp then utilize this amazing feature which saves you time. Pop-up notifications make it easy to see incoming messages or calls without having to navigate through the app. You can choose to hide pop-up notifications when you don’t want to be disturbed, helping you stay focused on other tasks.

According to the situation, you can customize how pop-up notifications appear on your device. Tapping on the notification lets you quickly open the chat or answer the call without having to search for it within the app. You can add a personal touch to your messaging experience.

Share Media With High Quality 

If you’re using WhatsApp for professional reasons, you often need to share a bunch of images and big videos but Regular WhatsApp has limits that can be too small for these needs. The official app lets you share only 30 images or videos that are up to 16 MB each.

Whatsapp is a modified version of whatsapp that grants you send up to 100 photos or videos at once, and they can be as large as 50 MB each. This feature makes things a lot easier for users who need to share lots of media, especially in professional settings.

Anti-Delete Messages

AD WhatsApp has an extraordinary feature which is not present in the original WhatsApp, which is “Anti delete messages” You have access to all messages, ensuring transparency in communication and preventing any misunderstandings that may arise from deleted messages.

If a message was accidentally deleted or contained crucial information, you can still access it in AD WhatsApp, allowing you to retrieve important details. You can see deleted messages, status updates, photos, and videos at any time helps you keep track of conversations and media shared within the app.

Built-in App Lock

If you want to protect your account from unauthorized access you can use the Built-in App Lock feature. It adds an extra layer of security to your account which protects your chats and data from unauthorized access. This is especially important if you share your device with others or if it gets lost or stolen.

You can secure individual chats separately, this amazing feature allows you to control who can access specific conversations. This helps keep sensitive or private discussions private. You can choose between using a PIN or your fingerprint as a password. So that, your chats are protected and only authorized users can access them. It gives you peace of mind and confidence in using the app.

Hide Stories / Status

This feature empowers you to decide who can see your status updates. Only the people you choose can view your posts. This helps maintain your privacy and control over your content. Hiding status updates from unsaved contacts reduces clutter and ensures that your updates are seen by the intended audience, leading to a more streamlined and focused sharing experience.

Hiding status updates from unsaved contacts reduces clutter and ensures that your updates are seen by the intended audience, leading to a more streamlined and focused sharing experience. ADWhatsApp gives you more control over your status updates and who can view them.

Download Stories, Images, and Videos

You don’t need to install additional apps or go through extra steps to download statuses and stories. This saves time and effort, making it more convenient to save or share content. Downloaded statuses and stories can be accessed offline. It allows you to view them later even without an internet connection. This is useful for saving important or interesting content for later viewing.

This feature makes you able to share other people’s stories on your own status which  adds versatility and creativity to your social media presence. It allows you to curate content and share it with your contacts, enhancing engagement. Since you can download statuses and stories, you have control over what content you save or share. This certifies that you can manage your digital footprint and privacy preferences effectively.

DND Mode

Instead of putting your entire phone on airplane mode or manually muting WhatsApp notifications, you can turn on DND mode which provides a simpler and more targeted way to manage notifications. It allows you to silence only WhatsApp notifications while keeping other apps active. Its very useful especially when you want to take a break from WhatsApp messages but still need to use your phone for other purposes.

By turning on DND mode, you won’t receive WhatsApp notifications. It prevents interruptions during important tasks or when you’re trying to relax. You have the control to decide when you want to receive WhatsApp notifications and when you prefer to have a quiet period. This helps in managing your digital well-being and reducing distractions.

Auto Reply

When you’re busy and can’t reply right away,  the app can send a pre-configured welcome note to let the sender know you received their message. This gives them immediate acknowledgment and sets the expectation that you’ll get back to them soon. In business or formal settings, responding promptly is crucial. The auto-reply feature helps you maintain a professional image by ensuring that messages are acknowledged even when you’re busy.

Instead of worrying about missing messages or leaving people hanging, the auto-reply feature handles initial responses for you. This streamlines communication and helps manage expectations. You can customize the welcome note to suit different situations, making it convenient to handle messages even when you’re unavailable or busy.


Using a modified version of an app like ADWhatsApp & WhatsApp Pro APK, which is considered “ban-proof,” means that your chat history and how you use the app won’t be affected by potential bans. This makes it safe for long-term use because you don’t have to worry about the app being banned and losing access to your chats or features.

In simpler words, it’s like having insurance against bans. It ensures that you can continue using the app without interruptions or concerns about its longevity.

User Interface Customization

Themes allow you to personalize your messaging experience by changing the look and feel of the app according to your preferences. This can make using the app more enjoyable and engaging. Customizing the user interface with themes can make it more visually appealing. You can choose colors, backgrounds, and styles that suit your taste, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the app.

Themes allow you to express your personality and creativity. You can create unique themes that reflect your style and interests, making your messaging experience more personal and expressive. This can improve usability and make navigating the app more intuitive.

Message Scheduler

the message scheduler feature in ADWhatsApp can be incredibly beneficial as it saves you time and effort, especially when you have multiple messages to send or when you’re busy and may forget to send a message at the right time. With the scheduler, you can ensure that you never miss sending a message on important occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or special events. This helps you stay organized and thoughtful.

Scheduled messages allow you to maintain and strengthen relationships by sending timely greetings and reminders, showing that you care and remember important dates. You can schedule messages to be delivered at specific times. In short, using the message scheduler feature in ADWhatsApp helps you stay organized, maintain relationships, and and save time.

No Forward Tags

Taking off the “forwarded” tag in ADWhatsApp can avoid misunderstandings. People might think a message is being shared without thinking if they see that tag. Removing it helps prevent that confusion.  Removing the forward tag helps maintain the originality of the message. It doesn’t give the impression that you’re simply forwarding something without adding your own input or context.

Some messages may be sensitive or private, and the forward tag can inadvertently disclose that the message was forwarded. Removing the tag helps in respecting the privacy of such messages. By eliminating the forward tag in ADWhatsApp can improve communication clarity, maintain message originality, and prevent potential misunderstandings or privacy concerns.

Pros & Cons

  • ADWhatsApp offers extensive customization options, including themes, fonts, and chat bubble styles.
  • It includes additional privacy features such as message scheduling, hiding blue ticks, and downloading status updates.
  • The app offers various visual enhancements, such as different emoji styles, contact pic customization, and action bar customization.
  • ADWhatsApp includes extraordinary features like voice messaging, swipe-to-reply, and quick access to settings through the action bar.
  • Using modified apps like ADWhatsApp can potentially lead to account bans or restrictions from WhatsApp if detected.
  • As a modified app, ADWhatsApp does not receive official support from WhatsApp.
  • Some users may experience occasional app crashes or performance issues.  


Yes, ADWhatsApp is developed with solid encryption and security measures.

Yes, you can use ADWhatsApp on PCs or laptops by installing an Android emulator like Bluestacks or NoxPlayer and then installing ADWhatsApp through the emulator.

ADWhatsApp offers features like improved privacy settings, customizable themes and colors, voice-changing effects, anti-delete messages, a message scheduler, and more, which are not available in regular WhatsApp.

ADWhatsApp provides options to hide last seen, read receipts, and other privacy settings. It also has a built-in app lock feature and encryption for individual chats to enhance privacy and security.

Yes, ADWhatsApp allows users to customize the app’s appearance by choosing from various themes, colors, and emoji variants, as well as changing the font style and size.

Yes, ADWhatsApp has a voice-changing feature that allows users to modify their voice for voice messages, adding a fun and creative element to conversations.

Yes, ADWhatsApp provides options for data backup, including local backups that can be stored on your device’s storage and restored when needed.

If users encounter any issues or problems while using ADWhatsApp, they can check for updates, clear app cache, reinstall the app, or contact ADWhatsApp support for assistance.

Final Words

In conclusion, ADWhatsApp offers a plethora of features and enhancements that make it a popular choice among Android users. Its ability to enhance privacy and security, provide customization options, and introduce unique functionalities like voice-changing effects and message scheduling sets it apart from the regular WhatsApp. The installation process is straightforward, and users can enjoy a seamless experience once they have it up and running.

However, you should exercise caution when using modified apps and ensure you download from trusted sources to avoid security risks. Despite its advantages, it’s essential to stay updated with the latest versions for optimal performance and to back up data regularly to prevent any loss. Overall, ADWhatsApp offers to its users’ diverse needs and preferences which makes it a valuable addition to the messaging landscape for those seeking more flexibility and features.

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