GB WhatsApp Pro APK Download V 20.82.03 & 17.55 Updated 2024

If you want to impress your friends or wanna sound cool and stay ahead in your community circle by adopting the latest technology and traits, Consider using GB WhatsApp pro APK which is the latest version of GB WhatsApp updated in 2024.

GB WhatsApp Pro

GB WhatsApp Pro Specifications

App Name

GB WhatsApp Pro APK

Android Version

4.3 & Above

App Version

V20.82.03 & 17.55

App Size

3.15 MB



Total Downloads

8,000,000 +

Last Updated

1 day ago

In every aspect of life, you can stand out by adopting advanced technology. We all know that the better the communication, the more you gonna win in every aspect of your life. Regarding communication and messaging, the GB WhatsApp pro-APK rises you above. 

WhatsApp messenger is the most popular messaging app officially launched in January 2009. People start using this app because of its seamless connectivity with people around the globe. Over the years people get weary using the outdated version of WhatsApp, Its users demand more privacy for their chats and statuses, which is lacking in the official WhatsApp.

gb pro whatsapp apk

This is the primary reason why users are switching to GB WhatsApp. It has proven like a cherry on top for the WhatsApp users. Now let’s get a deep dive into GB WhatsApp about its usage, working, pros & cons and much more. Currently, it boasts over 1 million users.

What is GB WhatsApp Pro Apk?

GB WhatsApp Pro is the modified version of GB WhatsApp. It was developed by Atnfas Hoak, AKA Omar in 2014 with advanced features and functionalities. There are millions of users of GB WhatsApp pro-APK due to its unique characteristics and advanced features. So if you want to bring out more charm in your communication without limitations and restrictions, install and activate this modern and updated GB WhatsApp pro APK. you no need to uninstall the original WhatsApp. You can enjoy both in a single device.

Comparison of GB WhatsApp pro-APK with official WhatsApp

GB Whatsapp is superior to its original counterpart in several facets, offering a heightened level of customization and performance. Let’s know about all the premium features that makes Gb Whatsapp pro apk apart from Official Whatsapp.

FeatureGB ProOfficial
Home Screen Story StyleYesNo
Home screen statusYesNo
Home screen NameYesNo
Viewed story toastYesNo
Hidden Chats under the nameYesNo
Online StatusYesNo
Custom FontsYesNo
Security LockYesNo
Icon ChangeYesNo
Bulk MessagesYesNo
File Sending Limits1000 MB100 MB
Forwarding LimitUnlimited Chats5 Chats
DND ModeYesNo
Disable CallsYesNo
Auto MessagesYesNo
Bulk MessagesYesNo
File Sending Limits1000 MB100 MB
Forwarding LimitUnlimited Chats5 Chats

Latest GB WhatsApp pro APK downloading method

Its installation is based on a few quick and simple steps. Only make sure you have a stable wifi connection for a coordinated workflow.

Step 1:

Initially, you need to enable your device to download a file from unknown resources, simply go to the device settings, click on privacy and security settings, and then click on the enable button. This setting will allow you to download the APK file without facing trouble.

Step 2:

Now download the APK file by clicking on the provided link on this website.

Step 3:

Check the notification or go to the downloads folder of your device. Click on the APK file to initiate the installation process.

Step 4:

Once it is installed, now it’s time to activate GB WhatsApp Pro on your Android device. Initiate the activation button. And wait for a while.

Step 5:

During the activation process, this application requests you to grant some permissions like access to contacts, Audio, media gallery, etc. Permit the essential permissions to complete the activation process.

Step 6:

Now it’s time to add your phone number and complete the on-screen verification steps.

Cheers! You have successfully installed and activated the GB WhatsApp Pro on your device. Now you can enjoy the latest GB WhatsApp pro app with its all modern and updated features.

How do you take chat backups on GB WhatsApp Pro after the installation process?

When you switch from the original WhatsApp to the modified version of GB Whatsapp, there is a burning question that pops up in your mind, that you want a backup of your near and dear chats? Or you may need some important files or information that is present in your chats. Don’t think too much about this, Simply go to WhatsApp Pro‘s settings, then chat, and hit the restore button. All your chats will be restored. You can keep or delete unnecessary information and chats according to your requirements.

How to connect GB WhatsApp pro-APK with your personal computer?

If you use your GB WhatsApp or Aero WhatsApp to share important files and documents with your colleagues and friends then surely, sometimes you want to open them on your personal computer or laptop. For this purpose, you need to activate GB WhatsApp Pro for proper work on your laptop or computer.

If you want to use your laptop or computer as a smartphone, then you should install this application on your laptop or PC. After installing this advanced app on your PC you can easily navigate to important chats and essential files. It collaborates to open any document and media file to work properly while using your laptop or computer.

Follow these steps to for quick installation

  • Open WhatsApp web on your computer, simply type
  • The web browser requests the QR code.
  • Click on three dots on your GB WhatsApp pro screen.
  • Hit the liked devices button.
  • Scan the QR code on your web browser.
  • Once it is connected, it starts loading chats and media files.

That’s it, your GB WhatsApp pro-APK is ready for running on your personal computer.

Pros and Cons

  • Individual chats encryption
  • Enhanced communication features
  • Updated privacy components
  • Extra theme customization options
  • Advance chat privacy
  • Exchanging Lengthy media files
  • Is not supported by the official WhatsApp
  • Not available and registered on the Play Store
  • Risk of being banned
  • Not secure as the official WhatsApp

Some Do’s And Don’ts, You Should Know

You should know almost everything about an application before you activate it on your device. I have mentioned some suggestions for your comfort.


  • Read the app’s terms and conditions before installation
  • Respect the other users’s privacy.
  • Learn to use the enhanced privacy feature
  • Get benefits by using advanced communication and chatting experience.
  • Explore new features and updated chat and privacy elements.
  • Make sure to download this APK file from a trusted website to avoid privacy concerns


  • Don’t use unauthorized versions of this app as they may be dangerous for your device.
  •  Don’t share personal data on this application.
  • Don’t harass other users of this app.
  • Don’t use this app for illegal activities.

GB whatspp Pro Data Backup

If you accidentally lose your crucial chat data but desperately need your missed multimedia files and important documentation back in your old chats as before. You just need to go to GB WhatsApp settings to restore your chat backup. Follow these steps:

  • Press three dots present on the top right corner of the GB WhatsApp screen.
  • Click on settings.
  • Hit the universal tab.
  • Click the backup and restore button
  • Press WhatsApp data backup.
  • By following these steps you can save or restore your important data.

Stay updated with GB WhatsApp

A few years back, to stay updated with the latest updates of GB WhatsApp, you have to visit your browser notification folder. But now you are on its latest version of GB Whatsapp Pro, and you automatically receive notifications about all the latest updates by GB WhatsApp. In case it doesn’t appear on your WhatsApp screen, follow these steps to turn on such notifications.

Step 1: Click on the three dots in the top right corner.

Step 2:  Go to settings

Step3: Press updates

Now you have turned on the notifications of every new update by this app. That is how you can stay updated and keep yourself aware of all upcoming GB WhatsApp updates.

Additional features and capabilities of updated GB WhatsApp Pro APK

Security And Privacy features

GB WhatsApp Pro gives you excellent management authority. You can change your privacy settings according to your preferences. If you want to hide your last seen from a single person or a group of people, you can do that to maintain your privacy. 

GB WhatsApp lets you manage your privacy exactly as you want. You can change your settings for your contacts, group, and broadcast.  

If you do not want to show when you’re typing or recording an audio message, No problem you can hide your typing and recording status. Moreover, it has some more privacy features like hiding the blue tick, hiding the second tick, hiding the blue microphone, etc.

Privacy and Security

Notification Sound and icon


Gb WhatsApp & Pink WhatsApp gives you the masterful control to manage the upcoming notifications sound and icon. If you are at work and rarely check Your phone to stay focused on your tasks, you can set different notification tones for individual chats. 

This way you can identify a new message from someone special and respond promptly. Similarly, without actively checking your phone, you can recognize whether the new message is urgent and needs immediate attention or it can be addressed after work.

You can choose a unique notification icon that will appear on your home screen. This application allows you to customize the notification settings. You can set your preference to choose which notifications you want to receive and which ones you would like to ignore.

Modify Icon appearance

If you want to showcase your icon differently and uniquely, then you can change it with any pre-installed icon or image from your gallery. To change the launcher icon, go to apps settings and select the “universal” option,  then select  “icon change” and select your favorite icon or image and set it as your GB WhatsApp icon on your home screen.

Notification Icon

Theme Styling

Themes Styling

A wide range of appealing and charming themes give this app a stunning appearance. A broad range of vibrant and attention-grabbing themes to design an impressive layout.

The advanced GB WhatsApp Pro mod APK lets you customize it according to your preference, such as changing font style, text color, background image, etc. Moreover, you can download a theme from the internet and apply it on your GBwhatspp pro to give it a spectacular appearance.

If you want to design a stunning layout for your GB WhatsApp Pro, go to the settings menu and select the “theme” option.  Here you will find a lot of customization options and now you can create a custom theme of your choice.

Auto reply

If you’re doing e-commerce or any online business and you try to respond to every message immediately but sometimes you are away from your phone or busy with some important task and can’t reply instantly. GB WhatsApp added this auto-reply feature to make you feel at ease.

With this feature, a pre-arranged message is automatically sent from your side. It builds the client’s trust that you have received her order. This auto-reply feature can be very very adventitious in the growth of your business.

You can also utilize this auto-reply feature in your private life.In case you are very busy with your task and have no time to check your phone.

You can enable this feature and set an auto-reply like “ contact back soon” or “at work right now”.  This auto reply builds your connectivity with your contacts which fetches peace in your relations. 

In simple words, the Auto reply is an amazing feature that helps you to stay connected with your friends and contacts even when you can’t reply to them in real time.

auto reply

Typography / Font style


With advanced theme customization, this app also facilitates you with a variety of font types and typography styles. While changing a theme you can also change the font that suits your new theme. 

An elder person who has low vision issues can use bold font. Change in font style makes content readable and more accessible. Gb whats app pro-APK provides stylish fonts that make your messaging experience more satisfying and pleasant.

Bubble style

In GB WhatsApp bubble style is a feature that allows you to change the format of the app according to your predicament. By utilizing this extraordinary feature you can set a specific bubble style for a specific chat, so whenever you receive a new message, you can recognize it easily that this message belongs to that specific chat without unlocking your phone.It also takes part in creating the appealing appearance of the app.

Bubble Style

Iconic tick style


This iconic feature is added in GB WhatsApp pro-APK. when you send a message a unique and attractive tick appears which indicates that your message has been sent.  There is a cluster of exceptional tick styles. you can change tick style and select any colorful tick style to make your chatting experience more fascinating.

Live location

This interesting feature is very useful especially when you want to invite your special guest at home. By sending your live location they can reach you on time without tackling journey concerns.

Similarly, it can be advantageous for you when you have to go out of the city for a professional meetup or to meet a special friend, you can share your current location to let them know about your safe journey and arrival. There is one more possibility: if you want to know their exact address, you can ask for their live location  and can reach your destination effortlessly.

 You can share your live location with a specific chat or group for a specific time. GB WhatsApp allows you to customize it according to your needs. You can set the duration of sharing your live location it can be set up to 8 hours.

In short, this live location feature is beneficial in improving your safety and helps in planning a trip with friends or scheduling meetups with your colleagues in different cities.

Live Location

Message schedular

Message Scheduler

In GBWhatsapp this sophisticated feature assists you in arranging your text messages in your busy life. If you can’t find time to deliver a particular message at a particular time, you can schedule it. It will be sent automatically at that specific time. You can use this feature to send birthday wishes Greetings, and any professional announcement or update. The scheduled message will be sent to that targeted audience at the mentioned time.

To use this feature, Go to the chat setting, and then click message schedular, now type your text, put that particular time and date, and click on the “ok” button. Thats it. By following these simple steps you can schedule your important messages and no need to take any burden on your mind.

DND mode

If you want to take a break from GB whats app and want to utilize all your energy to perform a specific task, then you can enable this Do Not Disturb feature. It will stop unnecessary notifications that distract your attention. This DND Mode will cut off your connection to the GB WhatsApp until you disable it. It benefits you to create a relaxed surrounding.  You can enable this app for as long as you want or for a specific day or time.  It helps you to concentrate on your work. 

In case you have a hectic day and want to take some rest then you no need to switch off your phone. Just enable DND Mode. it will not let you be disturbed by upcoming messages and unnecessary notifications. you can disable this feature at any time preferably when you feel vibrant and energetic to respond to your contact.

Hide your presence

This super amazing feature hides your presence.  If someone in your contact updated a status, you want to see that but don’t want to show them that you have seen that status. By using updated GB WhatsApp pro you can view and also can download that status without being seen by him.

Broadcast Text Messages

The broadcast message is a solution for minimizing unnecessary effort. In many business scenarios, you may need to send announcements or meeting invite links to multiple people, which can be tiring and time-consuming it’s very hard to send a single message to many people one by one. The solution to this problem is to use the Broadcast message feature, which is designed to streamline the process. With the help of this amazing feature, you can send a particular message to more than 100 chats at once.

App Lock

Sometimes we prefer not to share specific chats or conversations with others. It’s everyone’s right to maintain their privacy. If your family members or friends often use your phone for making calls or taking photos, you might worried that they could access your WhatsApp and read your chats   

Now you can lock your chats with a passcode or with fingerprints ensuring that nobody can read your chat even if they gain access to your GB WhatsApp pro. With this extraordinary feature, you can maintain your privacy and keep your important conversations hidden.

Anti-delete text and status

If you were sleeping, driving, or busy with your work and cannot read the new message but before you can read it, the sender deletes it. This situation raises your curiosity. In GB WhatsApp Pro there is an interesting feature that lets you manipulate the time you can read the unsend messages even after that they have been deleted.

Online status Alert

If you want to check the real-time availability of someone very close to your heart from your contacts like your friends or colleagues and you want to interact with them right away, then this feature sends you an alert. You will receive a notification that lets you know that a near and dear person is online. So you can instantly start a conversation with them.

Pop-up Notifications

This is the premier feature of GB WhatsApp Pro mod APK, with this feature Without unlocking your phone, you can see who sent you a new message and read it while remaining invisible.

Media privacy

This feature works astonishingly to keep your media files, images, and videos private. If you don’t want to show your media in your phone gallery then you can use this feature for custom media visibility access to your phone. You can hide specific images and videos. It is particularly used for hiding essential and personal media files.

5 minutes status

In original WhatsApp, you can upload only 30 second video, but with GB WhatsApp Pro you can upload 5-minutes video. You don’t need to spend time editing or trimming the video. You can update your status instantly and effortlessly.

Profile pic as Wallpaper

GBwhatsapp offers superb customization options. You have the authority to change how your chat screen looks. You can make changes the way you want. You can set your own profile as the background of the chat screen.

Unread message counter

If you receive hundreds of messages daily, it becomes harder to find unread and important messages. This unread message counter has the unique ability to showcase all unread messages in a way that you can easily find them. It gives you excellent customization authority. 

You can change the indicator’s color and background image which represents the unread messages. So you can recognize your crucial messages easily. It also allows you to style your GB WhatsApp Pro according to your will.


Yes, GB WhatsApp Pro APK is developed with additional updated old features for better functionality. 

No, it has an additional Anti-ban feature that protects your account from being banned. 

Yes, why not, You can install both apps on a single phone without worry.

Final Words

I had a fantastic experience with this messaging app due to its advanced and updated features. This application offers extraordinary customization options that make communication seamless. From its innovative features to its user-friendly interface, it surpasses expectations. With its advanced privacy feature, I feel like my chats are secured. You too can enjoy this extraordinary app and adopt a unique communication style.

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