OGWhatsApp Download APK 17.70 (April) Anti Ban – Updated 2024

Are you Struggling to share that hilarious video with your friends because it exceeds the file size limit? OG WhatsApp APK boasts a significantly larger file-sharing capacity. It allows you to send high-resolution pictures, lengthy videos, and even hefty documents without sweat. OG WhatsApp APK empowers you with more granular control.


OGWhatsApp File Detail

App Name

OGWhatsApp APK

Android Version

4.0.3 & Above

Current Version

V 17.55 or 19.41.1

Old Version

V 17.51

App Size

64.167 MB



Total Downloads

80,000 +

Last Updated

1 day ago



What is OG Whatsapp?

OG WhatsApp APK provides an additional layer of privacy and security compared to the official WhatsApp application. This is achieved through various features such as enhanced encryption protocols, increased control over data sharing, and options for hiding online status or reading receipts. 

You can also customize your privacy settings according to your preferences. This includes options to hide online status, read receipts, and type indicators. It provides users with greater discretion over their online presence and interactions.

OG WhatsApp APK takes extra steps to keep your messages safe and private. One way it does this is by using something called two-factor authentication (2FA). This means that when you log in, you not only need your password but also a special code that’s sent to your phone. 

This makes it much harder for someone to hack into your account. These efforts make OG WhatsApp a great choice for people who want to keep their conversations safe from prying eyes and feel confident using a messaging app in today’s digital world.

What is the OGWhatsApp APK Download Method?

OGWhatsApp is a great option if you want a different version of WhatsApp with extra features and improved privacy settings. You can download OGWhatsApp from our website by following these easy steps:

  1. Visit our website and find the OGWhatsApp download link.
  2. Click on the download link to start the download process.
  3. Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded APK file on your device.
  4. Open the APK file to begin the installation of OGWhatsApp.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
OGWhatsApp APK

How to Install & activate OGWhatsApp APK?

OGWhatsApp and GBWhatsApp provides the flexibility to switch between different WhatsApp versions. It grants access to features unavailable in the official app and it also provides a more personalized, feature-rich, and secure messaging experience on your Android device. OG whatsapp can be installed by following the steps mentioned below.

  • Find the APK File in Your Device and Start the Installation: The first step is to locate the OGWhatsApp APK file on your device. You can typically find downloaded files in the “Downloads” folder or wherever your device stores downloaded content. Once you’ve found the APK file, tap on it to start the installation process.
  • Choose the App Language: After tapping on the APK file, you’ll be prompted to choose the language for OGWhatsApp. Select your preferred language from the available options to continue with the installation.
  • Agree With the Terms of Service: Next, you’ll see the Terms of Service for OGWhatsApp. Read through the terms and conditions carefully, then check the box indicating that you agree to these terms. This step is necessary to proceed with the installation.
  • Select Your Country and Enter Your Phone Number: In the following screen, you’ll be asked to select your country from a list of options. Scroll through the list and tap on your country to select it. After selecting your country, enter your phone number in the provided field.
  • Automatic Verification of Phone Number: Once you’ve entered your phone number, OGWhatsApp will automatically verify it. This process may take a few moments as the app verifies your number with a verification code sent via SMS. Make sure your device has a stable internet connection during this step.
  • Set Profile Information: After your phone number is successfully verified, you’ll be prompted to set up your profile information. This includes entering your name and optionally adding a profile picture. Fill in the required details as per your preference.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed the OGWhatsApp APK on your device. You can now enjoy all the features and benefits that OGWhatsApp offers. It includes enhanced privacy settings and additional functionalities compared to the standard WhatsApp application.

How to Connect OGWhatsApp APK with Computer?

You can protect yourself from distractions by avoiding checking and replying to your friends while working on the computer. Keeping your phone in your pocket while using WhatsApp on your computer can be a helpful strategy to maintain focus and minimize distractions. This approach is particularly beneficial for multitasking situations or scenarios where frequent phone checks might disrupt your workflow.

Activation Procedure On Laptop / Personal Computer

Connecting your account to your PC through QR code scanning is a simple process. To utilize this feature, navigate to the “Settings” section within the app, then select “Linked Devices,” and choose “Link a Device.”

Afterward, open WhatsApp Web on your PC and use your phone’s camera to scan the QR code displayed on the screen. Once the code is scanned successfully, your account will be linked to your PC. It grants you direct access to your messages and chats from your computer.

By linking tour Ogwhatsapp with your computer You can conveniently access and respond to messages, view chats, and stay updated on conversations directly from your computer during online work.

OGWhatsApp Update

OGWhatsApp & Aero WhatsApp focuses on making the app work better overall. They fix bugs and improve their performance so that you can chat without any problems.

OGWhatsApp has been improving a lot with its recent updates. They added new features like disappearing messages, which can delete messages automatically after a set time. Another cool feature is the ability to create polls in group chats to gather opinions easily.

Security is also a big focus of the updates. They add protections to keep your messages and data safe from unauthorized access. It’s important to update OGWhatsApp regularly to get these new features, bug fixes, and security improvements. So, Keeping your app updated ensures you have access to these improvements. It will make your messaging experience more enjoyable and secure.

OGWhatsApp New Version

The latest version of OGWhatsApp is available for download on our website. It introduces several exciting features. One notable addition is the new version enables users to send messages to unsaved numbers, expanding communication possibilities. Additionally, it offers the ability to customize the app’s theme which allows users to personalize their messaging experience according to their preferences.

OG WhatsApp VS. Simple WhatsApp

FeaturesOGWhatsAppOfficial WhatsApp
Message Scheduler✔️ Can schedule messages to be sent later❌ No built-in message scheduling feature
Extended Character Limit✔️ Group names can be longer❌ Limited character count for group names
Anti-Ban APK✔️ Protection against bans❌ No specific anti-ban protection
90 Image Sending Limit✔️ Can send up to 90 images at once❌ Limited number of images per batch
Hidden Media✔️ Photos and videos can be hidden from gallery❌ All media files visible in phone gallery

OGWhatsApp’s Unique Features

Create a Poll

Do you wanna save your precious time and get speedy results? Then use polls in group chats to get quick results. The poll feature in OGWhatsApp is super advantageous. It helps you get opinions or feedback from people quickly. Instead of asking everyone individually, you can create a poll and get responses from everyone at once.

Making a poll is simple. You just write your question and add options for people to choose from. No complicated steps are involved.It’s perfect for making group decisions. For example, if you’re planning a group outing, you can create a poll to decide on the date or location everyone prefers. 

Once people start voting, you can see the results in real-time. This makes it easy to track which option is winning or how everyone is leaning. You can customize your poll settings, like choosing who can see the results or setting a deadline for voting. This gives you more control over how you use the feature.


Group Message Permissions


If you are an admin and want to maintain privacy in group chats then you can use this astonishing feature. By controlling message permissions, you can keep conversations focused and on-topic. This is especially helpful in large groups where discussions can easily go off track. It’s easy to manage and set up. You can quickly adjust the settings in the group settings menu based on your preferences.

It helps prevent spam and unwanted messages from cluttering your group chats. When you limit who can send messages, you reduce the chances of irrelevant or unnecessary content. It helps prevent spam and unwanted messages from cluttering your group chats. When you limit who can send messages, you reduce the chances of irrelevant or unnecessary content.

Privacy and Security

If you want to maintain a higher level of privacy, reduce distractions, and have more control over your WhatsApp experience then use this astonishing feature. This extraordinary feature of OG Whatsapp APK offers Freeze Last Seen, broadcasts and hiding ticks in group chats.

When you freeze your Last Seen, others can’t see when you were last on WhatsApp. This stops people from asking about your online time, giving you more privacy.If you hide ticks in group chats and broadcasts, you won’t get too many notifications. This is good if you’re part of many active groups or get lots of broadcast messages.

OGWhatsApp offers a range of privacy features that allow you to customize your settings according to your preferences. You can control who can see your profile information, status updates, and online status, giving you greater control over your privacy.


OGWhatsApp APK Community


As an owner Managing a community for your campaign or business can be quite challenging. However, WhatsApp’s community feature offers a solution that can greatly benefit you. With this feature, you can create groups on WhatsApp for different topics or purposes which makes it easier to manage conversations and keep things organized. This is especially useful if you have multiple discussions happening simultaneously. you can ensure that discussions remain focused and relevant to their respective topics. This not only makes it easier for members to navigate through the conversations but also helps in maintaining a sense of order and clarity within the community.

This  OGWhatsApp APK community feature allows you to send announcements and updates to all members. It makes sure that important information reaches everyone efficiently. This feature streamlines communication and enables you to stay connected with your community in a more organized and effective manner.


If you want to make your profile stand out and look great, you should use this amazing feature. The avatar feature in WhatsApp allows you to go beyond just a regular photo. Instead, you can create a unique cartoon version of yourself. The avatar feature is a fun and simple way to make your profile picture special. It gives you lots of options to customize and keeps your privacy intact. It’s definitely something worth trying out!

With OGWhatsapp Creating your avatar is easy and fun. You can pick different facial features, hairstyles, clothes, and more to make it look just like you want. This way, your avatar truly reflects your personality and style. Using an avatar also adds a layer of privacy. Instead of sharing your real photo, you can use your custom avatar. This is helpful for people who prefer not to share their personal photos online.


Disappearing Messages


You can control who sees your messages on WhatsApp using the Disappearing Messages feature. This feature is made to protect your privacy. It lets you send messages that disappear after some time.With Disappearing Messages, you can choose how long a message stays visible. After that time, it gets deleted from both your phone and the other person’s phone. This is useful for sharing sensitive information because it ensures the message is only seen for a short while.

You can use Disappearing Messages in individual chats or group chats. This gives you control over your conversations. And if you don’t want messages to disappear anymore, you can turn off this feature whenever you want. OG Whatsapp Disappearing Messages feature helps keep your chats private and secure. You can Set a time limit for messages that means they’re only visible for a short time, adding extra protection for your conversations.

Mass Message Sender

You may find it challenging to send the same message to each person individually, but with OGWhatsApp, it becomes easy and quick. The Mass Message Sender feature is really helpful when you want to send a message to many people all at once. It’s great for things like sharing news or updates with your friends, family, or coworkers without having to send the same message individually to each person.

Instead of typing and sending the same message to each person separately, you can send it to everyone in just one go. This saves you a lot of time and effort.It’s super convenient because you don’t have to remember who you’ve sent the message to and who you haven’t. The feature takes care of sending it to all the selected contacts for you.

It’s a quick and efficient way to get your message across to a large group of people. Whether it’s an important announcement or just a friendly update. You can personalize your message and choose how you want to send it, whether as a regular text or as a broadcast message. This flexibility allows you to communicate exactly how you want to.

Message Unsaved Numbers

In your professional life, you may need to contact different unknown people, such as service providers, without adding them to your contact list. The “message unsaved Numbers” feature in WhatsApp is a convenient way to send messages to people not in your contacts. 

This is especially useful when you need to quickly message someone whose contact you don’t have or don’t want to add permanently. It’s particularly handy for communicating with service providers or others temporarily without storing their contact details.

Starred Messages

Do you often struggle with scrolling through a chat to find a specific message? OGWhatsApp introduces an astonishing feature to make your experience hassle-free. This Star message feature saves you time and effort, especially when you need to quickly reference or retrieve important information from past conversations. 

When you “star” a message, it goes into a special list that makes it easy to find later. To star a message, just press and hold the message in the chat. Then tap the star icon that pops up. The message will be added to your “Starred Messages” list. You can see this list by tapping on the three dots in the top right of the chat and choosing “Starred Messages.”

Auto Reply

OGWhatsApp’s auto-reply feature is really helpful when you can’t reply to messages yourself. It sends automatic responses to people when you’re busy or away. You can set up different auto-reply messages for different contacts or groups. Also, you can choose when this feature should work, like certain days or times.

Using the auto-reply feature in OGWhatsApp makes it easy to stay in touch with your contacts. It helps prevent misunderstandings caused by late responses. For example, if you’re busy or can’t answer right away, the auto-reply sends a message on your behalf. This way, your contacts know you’ve received their message, even if you can’t respond immediately. It keeps the communication flow smooth and avoids confusion.

DND Mode

While performing an important task, unwanted notifications can distract you. OGWhatsApp users can focus on their work by applying DND Mode. Do Not Disturb (DND) mode is a useful feature of OGWhatsApp that allows you to silence all notifications, like calls and messages, for a set time. This helps you stay focused during meetings, events, or when you’re sleeping.

You can choose how long DND mode lasts and even set exceptions for certain contacts, so you don’t miss anything urgent. This feature keeps distractions away, letting you concentrate on your tasks and be more productive without any interruptions.

Text Messages Broadcast

If you have to send something important to multiple contacts such as important documents, videos, meeting invite links, etc and you find it time-consuming then consider using OG whatsapp.It has a remarkable broadcast text message feature that makes this process much easier.

This feature lets you choose many contacts and send them a special message all together. It saves time and effort. Whether it’s birthday wishes, event invites, or any message for a group, this broadcast feature makes it simple. You can also save lists for later use, so sending messages to specific groups is quick and easy.

Filter Messages

If you receive numerous messages daily and struggle to prioritize responses or locate specific chats with loved ones, you can utilize the filtered message feature to address this issue effectively.OGWhatsApp’s message filtering feature is designed to simplify how you handle your chats.

 It helps you organize your conversations by allowing you to prioritize the ones that are important to you. This means you can focus on those important chats first, making it easier to stay on top of your messages and respond promptly to the ones that matter most.

Disable Forwarded

The “Disable Forwarded” feature in WhatsApp is beneficial for maintaining privacy and security. It helps prevent your messages from being shared without your consent. This is especially important if you want to control who has access to your messages and ensure they are not forwarded without your knowledge.

By using the “Disable Forwarded” feature, you can have peace of mind knowing that your messages are not being spread around without your permission. This adds an extra layer of privacy protection, particularly for sensitive or confidential conversations. In short, this feature is essential for anyone who values their privacy and wants to maintain control over their messages.

Anti-Delete Messages

With OGWhatsApp’s Anti-Delete Messages feature, you can now keep important messages even if they are deleted by the sender. This feature automatically saves all incoming and outgoing messages, so you don’t have to worry about losing crucial information. 

It’s especially helpful when you need to refer back to previous conversations or retrieve important details that were shared. This feature ensures that you have a record of all messages, even if the sender deletes them, giving you peace of mind and easy access to important information whenever you need it.

Show Blue Ticks after the Reply

OGWhatsApp has a feature where blue ticks show up only after you reply to a message. This means the sender will only see the ticks once you respond, so you don’t feel rushed to reply right away. You can take your time and reply when it suits you, avoiding any misunderstandings or hurt feelings. 

This feature lets you read messages at your own pace and reply when it’s convenient for you. It’s one of the many features that improve your messaging experience and give you more control over how you communicate.

Hide View Status

Sometimes, you may want to view a status without engaging in a conversation about it. This feature lets you do that without creating any potential awkwardness or questions from the person whose status you’ve seen. So If you value your privacy and don’t want others to know that you’re checking their status, this feature is ideal. It allows you to view statuses discreetly without alerting the person.

To use this feature, you typically need to enable it within the app’s settings. Once activated, you can view statuses anonymously, giving you more control over your viewing activity and enhancing your overall privacy on the messaging platform.

Share live locations

If you’re meeting someone at a new or unfamiliar location, sharing your live location makes it easier for them to find you or navigate to the meeting point. Sharing your live location with a group of people can be beneficial when coordinating group outings or events. It helps everyone stay informed about each other’s whereabouts and facilitates coordination.

You can choose to share their live location for a specific period or until manually turned off. It provides flexibility based on their needs and preferences. Overall, enabling the live location feature on OGWhatsApp helps users stay connected with loved ones and ensures that they are aware of your location when necessary.

Themes Store

OGWhatsApp’s theme store offers users a diverse selection of themes to customize the appearance of their app. The store features a wide range of options, including dark mode, vibrant colour schemes, and various exciting designs. Users have the freedom to choose a theme that resonates with their preferences.

 It allows them to create a personalized and enjoyable user experience. By selecting a theme from the store, users can enhance the aesthetics of their app, making it more visually appealing and tailored to their individual style.

Built-In WhatsApp Lock

The built-in lock feature in OGWhatsApp provides users with the means to secure their conversations and maintain privacy.The primary purpose of this lock feature is to prevent unauthorized access to your chats. It comes in handy in situations where you may need to share your device with someone else temporarily, such as a friend or family member.

 By enabling the lock feature, you ensure that your conversations remain private and inaccessible to anyone without the necessary authorization. The use of a PIN, pattern, or fingerprint for locking the app adds an additional layer of security. Each of these methods offers different levels of security.  It allows you to choose the one that best suits your preferences and device capabilities.

Copy Anyone’s Status

If you like someone’s status and want to save it for later or share it on your own status, you can do so easily without taking screenshots or asking the person to send it to you. Simply view the status and tap on the copy button.To save a status, simply view it and then tap on the copy button.

 This action copies the status to your device’s clipboard, which is like a temporary storage area. Once the status is copied to your clipboard, you can paste it anywhere you like. For example, you can paste it onto your own WhatsApp status to share it with your contacts, or you can paste it into a message to send it to a friend.

Block Specific Contact

Do you feel frustrated when receiving messages and calls from unknown individuals? With OG WhatsApp, you no longer have to worry, as it offers a fantastic solution. The app comes with a built-in block option that allows you to block unknown numbers. This feature helps you maintain mental relaxation by keeping strangers at bay.

Font Style

If you want to stand out in group chats, you can use a unique font style. This means you can change how your messages look, making them different from others. You get to pick from many font styles, so you can choose one that matches your likes and who you are. This feature is cool because it helps your messages look special and adds your own touch to chats. You can try different styles easily until you find the one you like most.

Hide Media from Gallery

This feature is great for keeping things private because only you can access these hidden media files within OGWhatsApp. It’s like having a secret place for your personal photos and videos that others can’t easily see. Another benefit is that it helps save space on your device. Since these private photos and videos don’t appear in your main gallery

When you turn on this feature, the photos and videos you send or receive won’t show up in your phone’s regular photo gallery. This means that if someone opens your phone’s gallery app, they won’t see these private pictures and videos. You have full control over which media files you want to keep private and which ones you’re okay with sharing publicly. This means you can choose what to hide and what to show based on your preferences.

Backup and Restore

If you switch to a new phone or need to reinstall OGWA, you can easily bring back all your chats and media from the backup you made. It’s like getting everything back just the way it was before.This feature is super convenient because it ensures you never lose your important conversations or media files. It makes sure your WhatsApp experience stays smooth and worry-free.

This backup is like a safety net, keeping your important stuff safe in case something happens to your phone. You can save a copy of your chats, voice messages, pictures, videos, and documents on your phone. This backup is like a safety net, keeping your important stuff safe in case something happens to your phone.

Message Scheduler

The message scheduler is a tool within OGWhatsApp that allows users to set specific times and dates for their messages to be sent automatically. This feature is particularly useful in scenarios where you want to send a message but may not be available or online at the desired time.

To use the message scheduler, you simply compose your message as usual but instead of sending it right away, you choose the option to schedule it. This opens up a menu where you can select the date and time you want the message to be sent. It allows you to plan ahead and ensure important messages are delivered on time, even if you’re busy or unable to send them manually.

Anti-Ban APK

OGWhatsApp provides an Anti-Ban APK, a unique feature that sets it apart from other options available. This feature is designed to prevent users from getting banned by WhatsApp. The Anti-Ban APK provides a secure environment for using OGWhatsApp. It protects your account from potential bans while allowing you to explore and utilize all the features the app offers.

This means you can use all the features of OGWhatsApp without worrying about your account being banned. The Anti-Ban APK in OGWhatsApp is a valuable feature that ensures users can enjoy the benefits of the app without the risk of facing bans from WhatsApp.

Set Group Name More than 35 Characters

OGWhatsApp’s extended character limit for group names empowers users to be more creative, memorable, and expressive when naming their groups. It’s a feature that adds depth and personality to group identities, enhancing the overall experience for group members.

The ability to use more characters allows you to use group names that truly reflect the essence of your group. Whether it’s a fun, playful name or a serious and professional one, you can now express your group’s identity more effectively.

An engaging group name can spark conversations and interactions within the group. It can act as an icebreaker and encourage members to participate actively in discussions and activities.

Send up to 90 images

when you send pictures through messaging apps, you can only send a few at a time. But with OGWhatsApp.For example, if you went on a vacation and took many photos, you can send them all together without having to split them into smaller groups.

 You can select up to 90 images altogether and send them together in one go.This means you don’t have to go through the hassle of selecting a few pictures, sending them, and then repeating the process for the rest. OGWhatsApp takes care of sending all the images you choose at once.OGWhatsApp’s ability to send up to 90 images in one go makes sharing memories, vacation photos, event pictures, and other collections of images a breeze.

Pros and Cons

  • OG WhatsApp allows users to manage multiple WhatsApp accounts on a single device.
  • You can effortlessly send high-resolution images, lengthy videos and large documents. 
  • OG WhatsApp consistently releases updates with bug fixes, security enhancements, and new features
  • OG WhatsApp provides extensive customization options.
  • OG WhatsApp offers a range of privacy features, such as disabling read receipts and using a passcode or fingerprint lock for added security.
  • Modified apps like OGWhatsApp have security risks.
  • They may not work on all devices.
  • Official updates may not be available.
  • Your data could be at risk.


You can download the latest WhatsApp version from our website and install it as you did before. It’s a good idea to back up your chats before updating.

  1. Download the APK file from this page.
  2. Enable installation from unknown sources in your device settings.
  3. Install the APK file and follow the on-screen instructions to set up OG WhatsApp.

Yes, you can use this application on your personal computer as well by scanning the QR code.

You can only use OG WhatsApp on one device at a time. If you try to use it on multiple devices at once, your account might get banned.

Final Verdict

OG WhatsApp is a modified version of the popular messaging app WhatsApp, offering users a range of unique qualities and capabilities. using modified versions of apps can sometimes raise security concerns but OG WhatsApp provides a secure messaging experience. OG WhatsApp takes measures to protect user data and privacy. The app incorporates security features to safeguard user information. It ensures that conversations remain private and secure.

OG WhatsApp stands out for its customizable features, anti-ban property, user-friendly interface, and commitment to security. It offers users the freedom to personalize their messaging experience while providing protection against bans and maintaining a high level of security and privacy. 

You can access all these exceptional features by downloading OG WhatsApp from this page.

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